Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dakota?? Is that you?

Someone once told me: "As you get older, there will be more and more people younger than you who are more successful"
I guess Dakota Fanning is pure proof of this.
Little girl is all grown up and on the cover of TEEN VOGUE.

Dakota has been a brilliant actress since a scarily early age. I have always been a huge fan. Who else would make an asthma attack seem so hauntingly real at the age of 4? She's worked with Kevin Beacon, Charlize Theron, Sean Penn ... the list goes on. the age of 4, I was running around my backyard and learning how to spell my name. Makes you feel a little insignificant, yes?
She has always picked great movies to work on but I guess she would have to eventually sell out and do something incredibly TWILIGHT.

But I do miss little baby Dakota...especially in I AM SAM (Great movie, you should watch it if you haven't) . She was so cute! If only she could stay that way forever. Oh well, we all have to be an adult one day. I'm still waiting for that to happen.

1 comment:

  1. OMG how did she grow up so fast?! I love I am Sam, makes me cry everytime.
