Another time, we were stopped at a light. I was staring at a woman who seemed completely out of place- she was wearing nice heels, a Burberry scarf and holding a red umbrella. She looked really uncomfortable. I look to her left and there was this dazed man in a dirty white shirt standing near her. Suddenly he just vomited onto the street. I'm not talking about a pathetic vomit...it was like a scene from a movie. Almost like in "I love you man" when the main character is playing a drinking game and projectile vomits all over the other guy kind of vomit. Just as all of us were in the car going "eeeeeew, i'm going to barf from seeing that"... it happens AGAIN. The funny part was when he finished, he just went about his day as if NOTHING had happened.
I remember driving by and seeing a homeless man with a viking hat and wearing mardi gras beads. After I pointed him out, my friend goes "I remember him. I've been driving by here so much that I am starting to recognize homeless people".
Anyway, there's this store we always drive by...its called "Save On Meats". It's rather creepy looking...especially at night time when its sign is glowing all florescent-like. In fact, whatever this place might be, reminds me of a scene in a horror movie. Kind of like the eeriness you feel when you see an image of a fluorescent flickering motel sign in the middle of a deserted highway. I mean, the image of a flying, smiling pig holding a plate of meat is just creepy in itself. It's like a human holding a plate of human meat going "come on in!".
In the day time, "Save on Meats" is ALWAYS empty...but at night, there is always a massive line outside of it. We have come to the conclusion it is an underground night club for homeless people. A place for druggy grooving and other promiscuous things. My friend goes: "Well, homeless people need to party too, they are probably the best dancers". haha.
OK, OK, I know making fun of the druggy homeless isn't funny. It's just absolutely rediculous on East Hastings. You have to be there to really experience it in all its craziness. All you really can do is observe, contemplate and sometimes make a little fun of the obscene things that you witness there.
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