Thursday, August 26, 2010

Bullying my Dog

I use to have an American Bulldog. His name was Captain because he had a black patch of hair over one eye. Very creative, i know. He looked like "Chase" from the movie Homeward Bound. My parents bought him mainly as a guard dog... he was a REALLY good guard dog. So good in fact all my friends were scared to death of him and it was not until he died did we have a real break and enter (My present dog actually hid under the bed as the real robbery was going down). The only way to scare him was running towards him with a chair... yes that was his weakness... a pathetic chair. He also hated... HATED the batman theme song... don't ask... I have nooo idea why. He would howl in agony as a annoyingly hummed the theme song in his floppy ear. Oh, I miss him so.

Anyway, this silly video reminded me of him. There really are no words.

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