Monday, November 30, 2009

hola. como ca va? Molto Bene!

I've taken French since grade 1 and I still can't speak French. Maybe one day I'll move to Paris and force myself to fluently learn it. Actually doesn't sound so bad... Baguettes, Eiffel Tower, Crepes, grumpy French people annoyed at my English-French...sounds good to me! In second year I took a full-year Spanish course. I really liked it. Now I'm in my fourth year and i'm taking Italian. Why you ask? because second year Spanish was on Fridays... and we all know that's not happening. Anyway, my point is, now i'm tres confused with my languages. Instead of knowing ONE language really well, I know a bit of all three languages now. Cool? Yes. Helpful? No.
I have an Italian test tomorrow and here are some random words that fascinate me. Italians are going to think i'm crazy, but that's ok.

Si Danno la Manno (they shake hands) - it just rolllllssss off the tongue doesn't it?
l'arancia (Orange) - don't ask
Cosi-Cosi (so-so) - it's just so cute
i funghi (mushrooms) - it makes me laugh every time I say it.
noiosi corsi (boring classes) - it rhymes... things that rhyme make me happy.

Okay, no more procrastination. Back to studying now.

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